My Official Trademark (Logo)!

I am officially Trademarked: RJMDQ!

You would have seen my logo used if you've read any of my recent book releases in #TheDeceiverSaga. The blessing of republishing them as a self-publishing author, is that I have full control over design, edits, adding some new content as a bonus to my fans, and being able to design an awesome logo with an incredibly talented graphics artist, Karen Phillips. Working with Karen was so easy. I gave her direction on what kind of images, lettering style, and colors I wanted and she took it from there, making an incredible Logo for me! Karen really is amazing. 

Here it is in case you missed it!

Read The Deceiver Saga today! It's never too late to get rocking on a new book series. But  I'd like to add these are for a mature 13 years old and up. These supernatural mystery thrillers have a little bit of everything.

Check out my website for more information:
